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audiovisual concert for a singer, vocal flashmob, live video and live electronics

@ #MusikfestivalBern2019 13. /14. September 2019
Franziska Baumann Bern, concept, composition, voice, live electronic
Claudia Brieske, Berlin camera, visual-scenic realization, video projection
Johannes Schütt ICST Zürich, sound concept & direction
VocalFlashmob /VocalCargoCollective, Chloé Bieri, Franziska Bruecker, Valentin Dreifuss, Ilmars Stern, Lara Süss
Angela Bürger Bern, scenic accompaniment
Daniel Clénin Sound-Installation
Stanislas Pili Percussion prerecordings
Giulio Gasparoli, Bern, Lighting and audio technology
Dierk Harte, Mayfield Property, Bern, On-site escort
Georgina Casparis,, Bern, On-site coordination
Thanks to REInvest Capital SA, Geneva

THE RUMOR OF THINGS is an audiovisual concert performance, a “Rumor Drama” with dramatic and minimalistic moments which stages the theme of murmurs and rumors in situ with <vocal orchestration>.
High columns, deep catacomb, monumental like an ancient Egyptian tomb. The spectacular space alone is worth a visit.
The starting point of this production is the metaphorical meaning of the inaudibility and invisibility of old stories of the city of Bern hidden in various corners and places.
The voices of an adhoc flashmob ensemble fetch the buried and the forgotten from deeper layers, travel back in time, seduce the old culture-hostile time of the Reformation with Renaissance fragments and stage vocal choreographies on location. They bring the urban murmur and noise to the second Soussol, where the stories appear as large-format video projections on the columns. As an archivist, the singer moves through the fictitious shelves of the monumental high-bay storage and uses live electronics to bring „the rumor of things“ to light. The result is an all-round experience, an audiovisual concert performance, an „noise opera with dramatic and minimalist moments, which stages the theme of rumors with ‚vocal orchestration‘ in-situ“.

Video Trailer "The Rumor of Things", Format m4v 480x270, 5MB

With support of: Steiner AG Zürich, Fondation pour l'Art Nestlé, die Mobiliar, Burgergemeinde Bern, Fondation SUISA, Gemeinde Köniz, Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ICST, ZHdK Zürich

Logos Sponsoren

Franziska Baumann