Gravity Pleasures

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Gravity Pleasures 2017 - 2020

For voice, and Ambisonic sound environment

"Gravity Pleasures" looks beyond the physical edges of the voice and plays with the gravity of our listening habits. The scene and the listening room interweave to an imaginary vocal landscape. The listeners sit in the middle of the piece, in the middle of the sounds in which the singer Franziska Baumann acts as a performer with gesturally controlled live electronics.

"Gravity Pleasures" can also take place outside a concert hall, be it on the roof of a skyscraper, in a museum room, a courtyard, in a harbour, on a glacier…
Fieldrecordings and voice recordings serve as basic sound material and the vocal cartography is based on found themes. The resulting musical structure is staged in-situ with vocal orchestration and vocal performance.

Video ICST

ICST Concert, Artist Residency 2017/18
Sat 6 October 2018 ZHdK Zurich Concert Hall

Franziska Baumann, voice, composition/improvisation, live electronics Johannes Schütt, sound direction,
Peter Färber, audio engineering, Bojan Milosevic, Camera

Video Swisscom Tower

Pakt-Festival Berne Switzerland, 8 December 2017
Franziska Baumann: voice, concept, composition/improvisation, live electronics
Johannes Schütt: Ambisonic sound direction, ICST Zurich, Angela Bürger: scenic accompaniment, Peter Luginbühl: Sound Technology

With many thanks to:

pakt association Berne Switzerland, Dierk Harte, Daniel Repond, Emanuel Baumann, Jan Weber
Financial grants: Kultur Kanton Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, Stadt Bern, REInvest art program

Franziska Baumann